Service Areas
House Painting Services for Stamford, Greenwich, Darien, Old Greenwich, Cos Cob & Beyond
When it comes to house painting, Pratt & D’Angelo is in a class all of its own. We serve Stamford, Greenwich, Old Greenwich, Darien, and other communities big and small throughout Fairfield County, Connecticut. Our company is exceptional for many reasons, but most importantly, we are a results-oriented house painting firm that provides its customers great value for their money. Unlike many local painting firms, we do not use subcontractors. Rather, every individual who does painting work on your home will be a full-time, uniformed employee of Pratt & D’Angelo. We have even instituted a bona fide in-house training program that all of our employees are required to finish. This program covers basic to advanced painting techniques and all the ins and outs of providing great customer service.
Another facet of our house painting business that helps us stand apart is our highly detailed estimating process. With Pratt & D’Angelo, you will always know up front exactly what you are paying for. Before iPads were cool, we developed a tablet PC software program that allows us to calculate home painting projects in minute, room-by-room detail. Every painting estimate that we give specifies labor hours, materials to be used, paint color(s), and all associated costs.
To request a free house painting estimate, contact Pratt & D’Angelo today. We offer professional interior and exterior home painting services, always utilizing top-quality paints and the very best techniques. We proudly serve Stamford, Darien, Greenwich, Old Greenwich, and other communities in Fairfield County, CT.